Healthy Pathway / Reflexology Foot Path

Therapy to your feet with our relaxing Reflexology Pathways!

We are proud to announce that our Healthy Pathway or Reflexology Foot Path on top of the bridge is finally completed and ready for use! Come and visit then take advantage of all the health benefits it could offer!

A “Reflexology Foot Path” is a path designed to massage and stimulate acupressure points on the soles of the feet, which are connected to various energy meridians of the body.

Let us share with you the following tips on how to benefit the most from walking on the reflexology foot path;

  • Walk barefoot or with socks
  • Take your time and walk slowly
  • You don’t have to force yourself if you feel pain
  • Take small breaks, sit down and massage your feet
  • Take it easy
  • Increase your progress each time and try to be regular
  • Remember to breath in and out
  • If you feel pain, which is natural in the beginning, breath it out
  • Note where it is painful and try to work on that area the next time
  • The end goal is to massage all the parts of your feet
  • No pain no gain? Not really but after a while you will feel better and it won’t hurt as much
  • Be regular/consistent in your walk routine
  • Do it every other day or once a week in the weekends if possible and notice the health improvement and how you will feel less pain
  • Educate yourself about the foot reflexology map and try to step on stones (of different shapes and sizes) that massage organs that you want to work on
  • Do not be afraid to step not just on the flat part of your feet:
    • Take steps by using the front soles only
    • Alternate and take steps by using the heel base only
    • Spread your toes and have their sides massaged by surrounding stones
    • Massage the sides of your feet by placing them between two large stones
    • Massage the top of your toes by putting them in front of other stones
    • Find small stones on the path and stand on the sole of your feet
  • …and the final common advise you hear whenever you receive a massage: “Drink water to help flush toxins away”