Top of the World! Our GM Celebrated Among the 100 Best Hotel Leaders

We’re bursting with pride to announce that our own General Manager, Evgenia Boyankova, has been awarded a coveted spot among the TOP 100 Hotel General Managers of the World by the prestigious Luxury Lifestyle Awards 2023!

This recognition isn’t just a feather in Evgenia’s cap – it’s a glittering crown, a testament to her exceptional leadership and unwavering commitment to crafting a guest experience that transcends the ordinary.

For those unfamiliar with this exclusive accolade, the Luxury Lifestyle Awards are renowned for their rigorous selection process, meticulously identifying the pinnacle of excellence across various luxury sectors. To be named among the top 100 hotel GMs in the world? That’s an achievement reserved for the truly extraordinary.

And extraordinary Evgenia certainly is. Under her visionary guidance, our compound has blossomed into a haven of hospitality, where every detail whispers of elegance and every interaction sparks delight. Her passion for exceptional service is infectious, inspiring our entire team to push boundaries and consistently exceed expectations.

But Evgenia’s leadership extends far beyond impeccable service. She fosters a culture of empathy, understanding, and inclusivity, creating a vibrant workplace where every team member feels valued and empowered to contribute their unique talents. This nurturing environment translates into a palpable sense of warmth and genuine care that permeates every guest interaction.

So, Evgenia, from the bottom of our hearts we raise a toast to you! This well-deserved recognition is a reflection of your unwavering dedication, your inspiring leadership, and your boundless passion for creating unforgettable experiences.

Now, let’s celebrate! Share your congratulations for Evgenia in the comments below, and tell us your favorite story about our award-winning GM. And if you haven’t yet experienced the Evgenia-inspired magic firsthand, what are you waiting for? Come see for yourself why our GM is one of the top 100 in the world, and discover a level of hospitality that truly redefines luxury.

Cheers to Evgenia, and to all the unforgettable moments yet to come!